04 February 2010

Big big moon

After finish meeting,
HongYuen, SiokLing, Vintho, Junwen & I walked back through MAE's rooftop.
And then we saw a very nice moon.

Big, yea, believe me, it's super duper big.

Low, definitely one of the lowest moon I've seen.

Orange in color!! Very orange!!!!

Not full moon, but a pretty half-moon.

Moreover, there was a lot of stars on the dark sky.

Twinkle stars. xD

We took photos at the carpark which had a great view tonight.

And it was windy, making the scenario even better.

All these made people feel great and peaceful.

Wanted to take photo of the moon but hp is too behgai,
making the moon so small. =(

Anyway, enjoyed the few minutes there.

Though the moon had now moved higher, not as big as just now & not orange already,
I can still picture it in my mind.

Love tonight.

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